
17 years old Samuel Odofin emerged runners up in World Summit Youth Award…

Posted On November 10, 2005 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

The World Summit Youth Award (WSYA) aims to empower youth by creating digital opportunity. It was an international competition for youth-led projects that encourage the active participation of young people in the emerging Information Society. The three WSYA categories were Development, Creativity & Culture and Community Engagement.

The world’s most creative and empowering youth-led websites have now been announced! Scores have been tallied, publications have been designed and the stage is set for Tunis to showcase these best young e-content creators to the world! The top three projects in each WSYA category – Development, Creativity & Culture and Community Engagement – will take centre stage for Phase II of the World Summit on the Information Society (November 16 – 18, 2005) at the WSYA Gala on opening night.

Samuel Odofin (Nigeria, 17) came second under the Development Category for his project www.odofin.com – an interactive website which he uses to raise awareness on the use of agricultural biotechnology in combating food shortages and insecurity in Africa.

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