
Life Goals

Keeping myself accountable to achieving my goals. 

I am using this page to document and track the key tasks I will be completing in my lifetime. I have identified some tasks and will be updating the list as more tasks become clear. The project started on 01 January 2018.

So, bookmark this URL and follow me on this journey…If there are other tasks that you feel I should include, drop me an email via emmanuel[@]oluwatos[.]in

  1. Contribute to the Alberta technology / startup ecosystem
  2. Contribute to the development of the Nigeria technology / startup ecosystem
  3. Sponsor at least 20 people to school
  4. Help to create 10,000 jobs: on-track
  5. Help at least 20 businesses to succeed: on-track
  6. Help my two lovely daughters to learn programming / coding: journey started.
  7. introduce my 2 daughters to music
  8. Spend at least 1 hour every evening with daughters
  9. Spend at least 1 weekend every month alone with family
  10. at least 30mins in worship every day: on-track 
  11. at least 30 mins in Kingdom Advancement prayers every day: on-track
  12. Study Proverbs every day: on-track
  13. Study Psalms every day: on-track
  14. Learn to Speak French
  15. Write at least two blog posts weekly
  16. Launch a weekly tweet learning series on business and career
  17. Visit at least 1 new country every year: on-track
  18. Read at least 2 books every month (audible and kindle). Yes, 1 every 2 weeks: on-track.
  19. Write a best-selling book: my life is a book that is being written 🙂
  20. Launch or support a Developer Academy: on-track
  21. Support and fund a social enterprise project
  22. Start a business (idea is not the problem, execution is key) and achieve profitability in 3 years: on-track
  23. Solve a local problem with technology
  24. Double personal yearly revenue
  25. Go after souls for the kingdom of God
  26. Pray for Nigeria and Canada every day: on-track
  27. Sponsor a project in my alma mater (SDA Grammar School Ife, OAU Ife and Manchester Business School, UK): on-track
  28. Do something to help at least 1 person every week: on-track
  29. Volunteer in a cause every month
  30. Start a mentorship programme: currently mentor founders at Founders Institute and Black Business Venture Association
  31. Launch and manage a fund for startups (Mobile technology, Agric, FinTech, EduTech etc.)
  32. Republish NYSC book – Maximizing Your Service Year – and get it in the hand of every serving corps member in Nigeria
  33. Listen to at least 1 audio book every week
  34. Read at least 1 book summary every day
  35. Lecture part-time: currently lecturing part-time at Bow Valley College, Calgary
  36. Learn new things everyday: on-track
  37. Provide accommodation to the less privileged
  38. help at least 5 people set up petty trade businesses
  39. Help wife to be better in life
  40. Try something new every month
  41. help 1,000 people to learn programming
  42. Partner with PIN on #TENT
  43. Launch a program to attract top graduating students into starting their business
  44. Setup and run a Black Innovation Centre in Alberta
  45. Engage a coach
  46. Enrol in a mentorship program
  47. Launch Startupcourt
  48. Relaunch Bits and run it as part of a media company
  49. Mentor young startup founders
  50. Build a sustainable business where we give annual financial returns to investors, directors and employees.
  51. Become a member of an angel syndicate
  52. Master at least one programming language (picked up Python again)
  53. Launch a resource centre for blacks in North America
  54. Work towards becoming a Chief Product Officer.
  55. Launch a startup fund
  56. Work with others (individuals and organizations) to provide support for Blacks in Alberta.


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