
How to Start a Profitable Web Hosting Company

Posted On January 10, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

So you want to start a profitable [tag]web hosting [/tag] business? There are five important steps you must follow:

  • Find a reliable hosting service provider located within the country.
  • Design your web [tag]hosting website[/tag].
  • Setup a bank account or payment account.
  • Upload your web hosting website.
  • Promote your hosting service.

Now the question remains: How can I follow the above steps with a 20,000 Naira budget?

FACT: I have found that buying [tag]reseller hosting packages[/tag] from a reliable hosting provider within your location, is by far the easiest & cheapest way to start a successful web hosting business.

1) Find a reliable hosting service provider located within the country: N15,000 You can buy reseller hosting packages from a reliable hosting provider for a year for as little as 15,000 Naira. A quick visit to “Web Hosting Companies in Nigeria“, would give you a list of top Nigerian web hosting companies that you can pay by bank transfer.

Once you have bought the reseller hosting package, you will be able to sell the product yourself and keep 100% of the profits every time. Another advantage of selling reseller hosting packages, is that all the headaches of server maintenance etc, is borne by the main provider, and all you have to do is just provide simple email support to your clients via either email or sms, while the main provider takes care of the server headaches.

Translation: huge profit margins.

2) Design your web hosting website.. Average cost: 0 Naira. That is right, 0 Naira. There are many web-design templates for web hosting sites available for free download on the internet. This means that as soon as you buy the web hosting product– not only will you have a product of your own — but you will also have a professionally designed website ready for you to download and make use of. If you need one, just ask in this forum and I am sure a lot of people would be willing to share.

3) Setup a bank account. Average cost: 0 Naira I guess you do already have a bank account and all you have to do is just make use of it.

(4) Upload your web hosting website. Average cost: 0 Naira. Well, all you have to do is login to your web hosting reseller access area and create an account for your use and simply upload the site via ftp.

5) Promote your hosting service. Now that you have completed steps 1 through 4, you need to drive traffic to your website. I suggest that you start by advertising on free classified sites, joining free traffic and banner exchange programs, as well as other similar programs.

I suggest that you start by adding a small ad of your hosting service, in your email signatures, forum signatures.

Final Thought: You would realize that there is still 5000 Naira left, you could use it for providing phone support for the first 3 months.

There you have it: A fully functional profitable web hosting business in Nigeria in 5 easy steps and for under 20,000 Naira. Always keep in mind that knowledge is money… the more knowledge you have the more profits you will rake in. Always keep learning about internet marketing, stay focused and never quit.
Download this free book – Secrets of the [tag]science of getting rich[/tag]! It is my gift to you.

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12 Responses

  1. plz i need to know more about this.Plz where can i find to talk 2 u one on one.I will appreciate it. Thanks

  2. intresting.i will be happy if you can really make me to understand by practicalizing it.Thanks and God bless.

  3. Dear Emmanuel,

    After browsing the web on this subject of web hosting business, your explanation has been the most helpful.Thank you for that.

    I am actually looking forward to having my own web hosting company and actually host the sites on my company’s server.

    if you would be kind enough, send me some useful advice.

    I just have the feeling that you have them.

    Thanks and God Bless.

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