
1st edition of Carnival of PACE: Countdown begins

Posted On March 13, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

The first edition of Carnival of Personal And Company Effectiveness still comes up on 16 March 2007. I have received many great submission for the carnival and I am sure you will be blessed by every content the carnival will be presenting.

Bookmark this blog. The carnival is starting on a BIG NOTE. Get set to apply the lessons you would learn to transform your life positively. It is not what you learn that matters but what you actually do with what you learn. I am excited already about the opportunities this presents. And I believe you are excited too.

Meanwhile, I would appreciate it if you can help to spread the news about the carnival. Help to initiate the desired change in the lives of others by letting them know about this blog and especially about the carnival of PACE. The carnival will hit the road for the first time on 16 March 2007.

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