Beyond Friday

Posted On December 1, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

What do you do beyond Friday? Do you just mark time or have a sense of urgency to solve a problem or provide a solution with your time? Today is Friday and I am really happy because it does not only connotes the official end of activities at work but a time to reflect and get more energy. Friday always presents an opportunity to reflect on the activities of the week and at the same review the plans ahead. This helps you to remain on track in the midst of so many activities demanding for your attention.

There is a lot of noise about Fridays and whether you believe it or not, you look forward to this day every week. An average employee looks forward to Friday. This week Friday has come. The question is, “what are you going to do this weekend?” Are you just going to enjoy the weekend or engage the weekend? The choice is yours. But remember, “who you are today is a combination of the decisions you made yesterday and the corresponding actions”. Start today to create the future you so desire.

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