
Decision determines Destiny

Posted On August 8, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Now that I am back, I decided to revisit my 100 tasks in 1001 days project. Part of what I have been able to understand during my short break is that nothing moves unless someone moves it.

In one of Newton’s law of motion, I understand that a body can remain stationary as long as no force is applied to move it. I have, therefore, decided to apply the required force to move my life in the desired direction. My decision today affects my reality tomorrow. I am sure you have heard the phrase, “[tag]Decision[/tag] determines destiny” time without number.

But how many times have you really sat down to consider the meaning of that phrase? I am sure you will not be doing what you are doing right now if you really took time out to understand that phrase. You would probably be doing something else. Why not just take some minutes out now to consider your life… Critically take a look at the kind of the lifestyle you want for yourself and decide now to do everything to achieve it.

As for me, I am revisiting my 100 tasks in 1001 days project. I am currently working on the list and will make them available online within the next one week. My list contains 100 things/projects I want to do/execute in the next 1001 days (approximately 3 years). The countdown will start from the day I make the list public.

Why am I making the list public? I believe in [tag]accountability[/tag]. So, making the list public will help me to stay focused and at the same time apply the necessary [tag]discipline[/tag] needed to execute the task… If you don’t mind, you can join me in this project by starting your 100 taks in 1001 days project now!

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