
Do You Want IT Enough?

Posted On July 15, 2015 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Nothing good comes free. Yes, let it sink. If you have been getting something for free, someone has been paying for it. I am sure you have heard this statement several times before now. But why do you think you can dream and watch things fall on your lap without any effort?

No matter what you want to do or achieve, there is always a price to be paid.

So what are you trying to achieve? Do you want to go to school, start a business or even get a new job? It will not just fall on your lap. There is a price that you have to pay. And until you pay the price, you will only keep dreaming.

The question is “are you willing and ready to pay the price?” Most people have great plans but are allowing the plans to remain only on paper. The best laid plans, the most comprehensive preparation, can still lead to nothing unless we endeavour to take the necessary action.

No matter how strong and promising your plans, if you chose not to act, you might even be going backward when you compare your current situation to that of previous years.

If you put off everything until you’re sure of it, you’ll get nothing done.” – Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Has God opened your eyes to some things that you need to do? It is time to  face your fear and WALK THE TALK. If you are really serious about your life, you have to take the necessary steps now. You will not see any progress until you make a commitment to act on your plans. What are you waiting for? Start NOW. Pay the price!

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