Grow Up!

Posted On December 4, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Sola is 27 years old and finished from the university almost 3 years ago. He entered the university the same year he finished from secondary school and was fortunate to finish within the top 5% of his class. He has always had his parents made things work for him. His mumsie is the type that does not want any of her children to go through any form of stress in life. Everything was working for him until recently when it seems that he is beginning to see the other side of live .

Sola has been at home for the past 3 years with no job. He had always thought that he would just walk out of the university to a waiting job. He soon discovered that there is more to life than that. To make the matter worse, he stills waits on his parents to get him his so-much desired job.

I know Sola is not the only one in this situation. I have seen people who finish from school and all they could think of is to sit down at home and patiently hope that their uncle or aunts somewhere would help them to get a job. No clear direction of what they want to do in life. They only hope that things could always get better. No wonder, they have been at home since then. Life is all about give and take not about TAKE & TAKE. God created this world to be governed by the principle of Sowing and Reaping. Until a seed goes to the ground, nothing comes up.

You can not fold your arms when other are planting and expect to reap when they are reaping from their labour. As long as you keep shifting your responsibility to someone else, you would always be at their mercy. It is time to grow up. You need to take your destiny into your life. Enough of just sitting at home and expect miracle to happen. There is a part you have to play and until you do your part of the task very, do not expect anything.

A friend left his parents’ house immediately he finished from school and that has helped him to develop a sense of responsibility. Imagine you waking up with nobody in view who could be of help? The closest person who could be of help was 3 hours drive from where he was staying that was even if he decided to request for help. Today, the guy is happy he took that decision.

I had the same experience also and reflecting on my action then gives me much joy. I had the option of going to Abuja or coming to Lagos after my youth service. But I chose Lagos despite the fact that Abuja held so many promises. I had to choose between comfort and living my life the way I want it. It was a hard decision for me then but I am grateful I held on to my decision. You would definitely get to a point in your life where you would have to choose between living your life the way you want it or living it as being dictated by others. The choice is yours. But ensure that you take your destiny into your hand.

Do not get me wrong. I am not saying that you should leave your parents’ house if you do not feel like. Just be responsible for your life. Live each day as if that is your last on earth. Make every minute count, work on yourself and never allow each day to leave you the same way. Just keep GROWING UP!

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