Stay at IT!

Posted On June 5, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Will the road ahead be smooth? Will there be any adversity on the way? The truth that you have not achieved anything till now confirms the fact that challenges are meant to come. The difference between the successful person and the one stalked by failure is not the adversity — everybody has that. Then, what is the difference? The difference is your response – your [tag]attitude[/tag] to the challenges you meet on your way. Do we regroup and hit it hard again, or do we just lay it down and quit? Many times we have made a u-turn when our [tag]success[/tag] is actually around the corner.

Calvin Coolidge said,

“Nothing in the world can take the place of [tag]persistence[/tag]. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. [tag]Education[/tag] will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”

Failure is never an end. It should be seen as a bend towards another destination. Setbacks should be seen as the foundations upon which we build future success or the final excuse for failure — the decision is yours. Nearly everyone who develops an idea works it until it looks impossible and then gets discouraged. That is not the place to become discouraged. It is often at this point that many only see the obstacle and no longer sees their idea. They give in to discouragement, opposition and obstacles not knowing breakthrough is on the horizon. If only they were persistent.

The dictionary defines persistent as: to continue firmly or obstinately. Persistence is a state of mind. In the words of Thomas Edison,

“Just because something does not do what you planned it to do does not mean it is useless…. Reverses should be an incentive to great accomplishment. Results? Why, man, I have gotten lots of results! If I find 10,000 ways something won’t work, I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is just one more step forward…. There are no rules here; we are just trying to accomplish something.”

It is therefore normal for someone to have obstacles before success. Even the dictionary puts the word obstacle before success. Obstacles are there to strengthen us and offer progressive measurement of our growing strength. Discouragement sets in when we misunderstand the purpose of obstacles. Persistence is a conscious decision. So, let us train ourselves to be persistent persons.

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