Why are you thinking about Starting a Business?

Posted On January 18, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

The main reasons for starting a [tag]business[/tag] are usually personal. No one else can tell you why to [tag]start a business[/tag], you have to decide yourself. People start their businesses for all sorts of reasons:

  • I’m sure I could make more money running my own business
  • I’m fed up working this hard for someone else
  • I have a great idea
  • I’ve been trying to find a job for too long now
  • A friend has asked me to go into business with them
  • I’m worried about my future prospects in my current job
  • I want to have more time to do what I want to do

Does any of this seem familiar? It is not enough to think that running your business has to be better than what you are doing just now, you have to know why you want to start your business. When you know, you can keep checking back to see if the plan you are writing, or the business you are running, is still helping you address the reasons you started in business.

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