10 Great Business Opportunities with little or no capital

Posted On January 2, 2008 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin
naira notes

Are you working and wish you could start something along the time? Do you want to explore some [tag]business opportunities[/tag] while you are still in paid employment? Are you ready to try out your business skills? Then, now is the time to explore. You can run your business alongside while you keep your current employment. I did the same thing when I started Nairahost with 2 other people and I don’t see any reason why you can not do the same. It just takes a decision and a personal commitment from you to learn and apply the necessary skills.

Starting and running a [tag]small business[/tag] is not just about working for yourself, it’s also about having the necessary management skills, industry expertise, [tag]technical skills[/tag], finance and of course a long-term vision to grow and succeed. With the economy still on track and the number of [tag]entrepreneurs[/tag] on the rise, you won’t be alone if you decide to take the plunge this year.

Although thousands of employees dream of escaping the nine to five grind and become their own boss, many are still unsure of what sort of business they want to start and how they can ensure their new venture is a success.

So, I have come up with a list of different types of business you may want to start up in the next few weeks, with comprehensive advice on how to run your new firm. If you fancy being anything from an estate agent to a [tag]personal trainer[/tag], you can actually make your business profitable.

Web Hosting: This is indeed one of the easiest businesses to start right now. With little or no capital, you can pick up a reseller plan from a [tag]reliable web hosting[/tag] provider from within your location. Visit Starting a Profitable Web hosting business for details.

Web designer:  This is one niche where there is high demand right now. You only need to have the basic skills and should be able to work with PHP and MySQL. You will also be able to get many clients if you can design [tag]custom wordpress themes[/tag]. The starting point is for you to create a blog for yourself to show what you can do. You may also need to join forums where you can easily market your skills to others.

Consultancy: Helping other people run their business may seem daunting at first, but many budding entrepreneurs have the skills and experience to become first class [tag]consultants[/tag].

Clothes shop: With such a wide range of clothes shops out there, you have a several options when trying to tap into this huge market.

Outside catering: Whether its catering for a major sporting event or a low-key wedding, the need for food and drink at gatherings does not go out of fashion. Find out how to set up your own catering company.

Gift shop: Boosted by the tourist trade, gift shops can be a very popular business to own. Why not get wrapped up in the idea and start up your own? Remember Valentine is around the corner. You may be able to make some money…

Driving school: Whether it took you two attempts or 20 to pass your driving test, you wouldn’t have got there without a driving instructor. If you can put up with the exams and novice drivers, this line of work can be rewarding.

Photography business: When your school photo was being taken, you probably gave little thought to the fact that the photographer would soon be off to another job, maybe a wedding, to make ends meet. If you have a passion for [tag]photography[/tag], get a clear picture of what is involved in setting up your own firm. I was involved at one time or the other in this business. If you need more help, contact me:))

Day nursery: With both parents increasingly keen to return to work after having children, day nurseries are also vital to many families who can’t afford to give up a regular income to stay at home. You really need to network and let people know that you are available for this. You are definitely going to make some money from this if you manage it well.

Restaurant: Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or just don’t fancy cooking, eating out is big business with a huge variety of restaurants now inhabiting Lagos streets. This is one business you should consider starting if you have the required capital.

I would be sharing some insights on how you can start out on your own with little capital. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, just make up your mind to do something with your time from this moment. You will succeed.

NB: Write-up sponsored by Nairahost – Nigeria’s leading web hosting company

6 Responses

  1. hi Oluwatosin,you did inspired me with your write-up.its a very interesting and motivating one.right now am in the states but am planning to move back to nigeria bcos,that’s where my husband resides and am planning to open a medium scale supermaket and run it myself.i dont wanna continue fooling my self with working with my degree,it dont work for me like others and i just want to follow my dream of making it bigger in life.thank

  2. Hi Maryam,
    Great to know you are inspired. One thing I have known is that man can achieve anything he sets his mind on to do. So, give your supermarket idea a shot. I believe that you will succeed if you choose to live your dream.

    The examples above are just some of the businesses people can start with little or no capital. So, we all have no excuse not to succeed. The choice is ours and the ball is in our court.

    All the best.

  3. Frankly speaking this is a masterpiece.

    The scripture said that my people perish because they lack knowledge but can someone really uphold that today.

    I don’t think b/c knowledge can easily be found today but little action is seen and yet people complain that online business does not work.

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