1st edition of Carnival of Personal And Company Effectiveness

Posted On March 16, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Welcome to the maiden edition of the [tag]Carnival of Personal And Company Effectiveness[/tag]. I received many great articles and I have found everyone of it very useful. So, are you ready to take your life and your [tag]business[/tag] to the next level? Then, read on…as I present the March 16, 2007 edition. This carnival is divided into 4 areas. Read through all the areas and apply the lessons therein.

Company Effectiveness:

Christopher J. Brunner addresses how common communication errors can adversely affect the success of your business in The Adverse Effects of Poor Communication posted at GreatFX Business Cards.

Managing a Business

Christopher J. Brunner in steps you need to take to avoid the Courtroom posted at GreatFX Business Cards, talks about things you need to double check for in contracts and insurance policies that may help avoid long court battles.

Editor – Dave Prouhet presents [tag]How to motivate your Employees[]/tag.

Kivi Leroux Miller addresses How to Create and Use an Editorial Calendar. This opens my eyes to the fact that one can actually increase the effectiveness of his marketing communications by using an editorial calendar.

Alvaro Fernandez presents Stress Management Workshop for International Women’s Day saying, “Managing stress is critical both for personal and company effectiveness. He shared some exercises and tips based on a recent leadership training workshop he gave.”

Shama Hyder presents Six Ways to have Highly Effective Meetings.

Charles H. Green says “A 100%, unlimited money back guarantee – with no strings, can save you far more money and trouble than it loses you.” Visit The Opportunity Cost of Mistrust to understand how you can achieve this.

Amish Parashar presents Competition posted at New venture outsourcing blog.

Steve Faber highlightes 4 Great, Free Business Resources To Help Grow, Start, or [tag]Save Your Business[/tag].

Ready to take your life to the next level?

John Wesley says the reason why you are not getting anywhere is because you don’t know what you want.

almomento highlights the steps you need to take to Change Your Money Fate

Michael Emilio presents 8 Steps to Getting Your Finances in Order For a Mortgage

Praveen presents Rich Schefren posted at My Simple Trading System.

Scott Schwertly presents Inspiration from Colonel Sanders posted at Presentation Revolution.

Wilson Ng says the “The Pursuit of Excellence starts by a person understanding the difference between being merely good and being really great.” in The Merely Good and the Really Great posted at Reflections of a BizDrivenLife.

Erek Ostrowski talks on Failure and The Measure of Success

Silicon Valley Blogger presents 15 different ways to resign

The Positivity Blog shares 9 additional ideas to double your productivity posted at Henrik Edberg.

Zechary presents What make professional?

Debra Moorhead presents Personal Strategic Planning

Joysoriano.com presents BELOVED – Part II posted at Street Smart Spirit, saying, “loving and improving oneself”

Will Chen presents Improving your life fifteen minutes at a time posted at Wisebread.

Business Growth

Chris Harris presents how you can ensure your new hires are all above average in Star employees are a lot like pornography posted at New venture outsourcing blog.

The next edition will be on “Success Principles“. Submit your blog article to the next edition of personal and company effectiveness using our carnival submission form. Future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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5 Responses

  1. Do you not accept posts submitted through the Blog Carnival website? I’m at a loss as to how my submission was not included. Do you have some fall through the cracks?

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