2nd edition of PACE

Posted On March 23, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

It is my pleasure to welcome to the 2nd edition of the [tag]Carnival of PACE[/tag] many thanks to everybody who has submitted one article. The response from last week Carnival was overwhelming and I do believe that we are achieving Personal and Company Effectiveness as we apply the lessons we are learning on a daily basis. So, are you ready for what this week Carnival has to offer? Then, read on…

There are some articles that I feel you must not miss. They are my “best of the week” pick…

Debra Moorhead says that it is not about creating a look but creating your look. Find out How to Create the “Look” that people can hardly resist.

Craig Harper believes that one short phone call make you realise how un-important your to-do list really is. He highlights What Really Matters….

Scott Sehlhorst presents the Ten Supercharged Active Listening Skills To Make You More Successful. I believe that these tips on active listening will knock your socks off.

Are you currently wondering why you find it hard to keep your employees? You need not look further… Peter Kua says there is only ONE reason an employee stays. Find out the reason and see how it affects you.

I did post an article sometimes ago on finding a business mentor. Meanwhile Ellesse addresses some things you need to put in place if you have to find a good mentor.

Useful Tips:

Alvaro Fernandez presents how to train your brain with a computer workout program: MindFit

Hal Sommerschield, Ph.D. showcases The System with 15 Exercises for Managing Your Life.

Lead Optimize presents Make Your Website a Tool for Everyone

Ybother presents 10 Ways Retailers Make You Pay More! saying, “Think you are getting a good deal? Think again. There are many ways retailers can make you buy more or pay more than you should. If you are a business owner, you are free to set prices for the most efficent profits.”

Albert Foong presents Tools: Forgiveness Part One.

John presents What it’s all about?

Praveen presents Internet Marketing Lesson – I’ll Pay You $2.

Tim King presents How the Oldest, Safest Innovation Redefined a Web 2.0 Website

Christine Kane presents Rust Never Sleeps.

John Wesley presents Does Being Labeled As Gifted Undermine Personal Growth?

John Ingrisano presents Doing Your Thing for Everyone’s Good.

Vahid Chaychi says here are many who love to start an online business that can be done from home. There problem is they don’t know “how” and “from where”. The most important thing in starting a new business is making a serious decision. Without a serious decision, no business will be started. He, therefore, presents The First Step to Start an Online Work at Home Business

Others worth reading:

Matthew Paulson talks on how you can quit worrying about your credit score

Dennis Smith believes you can not separate personal effectiveness from job search as the two go hand-in-hand. He, therefore, highlight the most important word in job search is …

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of personal and company effectiveness using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on blog carnival index page.

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2 Responses

  1. The site looks great ! Thanks for all your help ( past, present and future !)

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