Admitted to Pan Africa University – 3 more to go!

Posted On November 11, 2005 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

LBS Hm… just came back from lunch and decided to check my mail. My eyes just caught a mail from someone whose identity is obvious – definitely someone from Lagos Business School’s admission office. The content? Your guess is as good as mine. I have just be informed that I have have been admitted into the MBA programme of the LBS – Pan African University. I was also told that details and admission letter would arrive soon through courier.

Should I shout for joy? I really dont know yet as I have to raise N250,000 between now and 07 December 2005 being payment for the first term of the programme. So, anybody there knows how I can raise this? My total investment in Shares & Stocks is just a far cry from that amount. Therefore, the option of disposing off my shares is not it at all. I really need to be fast on this if I want to keep my slot on this MBA class as my admission would only be confirmed after payment of this fee. The question now is how to raise N250,000? Moreover, I am not sure I want to go to LBS as I have my eyes now on my Stanford MBA application.

I did submit four MBA applications – Pan African University (Lagos Business University, Nigeria), Stanford, Darden and Kenan-Flagler – and I started waiting for the result. So, the first GOOD NEWS came today. I believe this is the beginning of the journey. Darden status would be know on 09 December while I would get to know my Stanford MBA application by January. Kenan-Flagler would get back to me also in January. It is now MBA admission galore.

9 Responses

  1. Maybe you could get sponsorship from work? or sign with an NGO which will be happy to fund your MBA programme. Just have faith!

  2. Thanx Remi. Getting sponsorship from work is not an option I want to consider as I dont want to be tied down to any company. NGO? Do u have an idea of one I can sign up with? Yeah, I have faith and believe strongly that something will come up. I’d be glad to share the good news with you soon.

  3. Congrats.

    As to the issue of raising funds, there is always a way out. Start by commiting everything to God in prayer. Soon you will discover how to get funds legitimately.

  4. Emmanuel, personally I have no experience dealing with mba scholarships but I get the vibe that most America universities have scholarship funds – the criteria to qualify for such funds is not yet clear to me. I will let you know if I find anything useful.

  5. He who has started a good thing in you will surely perfect it.
    If I should get any clue, I’ll get across to you.

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