
African first Female President emerges…

Posted On November 11, 2005 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Africa is set to have her first elected woman leader as Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf claims victory in the war-torn Liberia state. With 91% of ballots counted thus far, she had won 59% of the vote to leave her main rival, George Weah, trailing on 41%.

Electoral authorities have not yet officially declared a winner in the country’s first presidential election after 14 years of civil war and the United Nations peacekeeping force has put extra troops on the streets in case of unrest. The National Elections Commission has two weeks to issue the final results after they come in from remote areas of the war-ravaged country.

A senior diplomat following the election closely said he thought there had been some irregularities but that these would not influence the final outcome. Visit CNN for details

2 Responses

  1. The Iron lady has won at last after so many years of struggling to be Liberia’s president.
    We pray that as a mother she will be able to bring a last peace to liberia if her past will not hurt her.
    Goerge Weah still remain the president in waiting, if he can be humble in defeat and move close to God, and prepare himself within the next two years.

  2. Yeah… I just hope that Ellen would harness all the resources at her disposal to lay the foundation Liberia needs at this time. George Weah can still become the president but right now he needs to focus more on adding value to the country. He should try to take the result as it is and work with Ellen on building the economy of Liberia.

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