Are you in the right relationship?

Posted On December 18, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Wise people avoid negative souls like a plague. Some people can never see the good in anything. If you want to go somewhere in your life, you must first learn to avoid such people. “It can’t be done“. “Oh, this is [tag]Nigeria[/tag], it can’t work”. These same people can give you more than a million reasons why things can’t just work. They will give you enough reasons why you should not waste your time trying to do anything. But has it ever occurred to you why they are still at the same level?

There is no challenge facing you today that is peculiar to you only. Our issues are HUMAN issues! Simple! And how old are  you? Fine, you are far behind where you are meant to be, but the good news is that you can still do better. And 2007 is a year to put yourself on the right track. The only way out is for you to surround yourself with high – thinking and well driven individuals during this service year. Do not waste your time with people who have nowhere to go.

Believe me, they are those who would know all the richest people in this world when they turn fifty, they have up-to-date information about the successful people in the world. They will have no personal result to show forth but many stories. They will be glad to associate with success but do not want to go through the process themselves. “That man called minister of finance was my mate in school“, most of them would say. They just believe nothing can work! Look, just excuse yourself from them, for they see only an ugly world, which is simply a mirror image of what they have and conceive inside.

The responsibility to choose your friends lies solely on you. Friendship is not by force, it is by choice. God has given everyone the power to choose who you associate with. You have the responsibility to choose your friends wisely. You do not need perfect people but you need people that want to grow like you, and that are teachable. Do these people give regard for life itself? And how do they see their parents, and the opposite sex?

Now, let’s balance up a little. That you should avoid negative people does not mean that you have to become paranoid. One strategy that is very good here is your ability to value people, and to recognize the right peg for a particular hole when you meet one. You have got to master the art of working with people. There is hardly anything you can do in this world without people. Some people will come into your life and you’ll rue the day you met them. Whereas, when you come across some other, you’d wish you had met them before because of the level of impact they have on you. Your responsibility is therefore to identify the right set of people and move with them.

2 Responses

  1. Emma,

    The truth is Bad compnay corrupts good manners….a Yoruba adage says that The Sheep that dwells with a dog will partake of the dog’s shit

    A word is enough for the wise and rumours of war foretold will not catch a (wise) lame man unaware

    We are surely getting there.

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