
Are you ready to walk on Water?

Posted On April 10, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

A young man once boasted that he could walk on water. Everybody in the village was actually surprised not only because they believed it would be an impossible task for the guy but also because nobody had done it before.

The fact that nobody has done it before does not mean that it can not be done.

The man went ahead to fix a date when he would be able to show everybody that he could actually walk on water. The deal day came and to everybody’s surprise, the man walked on water. The village head, then, called the man and asked him how he was able to achieve this feat considering the fact that the river is deep. What the man said shocked everybody…

Anybody can walk on water if only he knows where the stones are.

The man told the village head of how he laboured for many nights to ensure stones are placed on a particular route he carved out in the river. He hided these stones on this route in the river but he was able to trace the path. So, the only thing he did on the day was to just place his legs on each of the stones and marched on as if nothing was happening.

This is exactly the reason why some people succeed in whatsoever they do. They have not only been able to identify where the stones are placed on their path, they have also been able to harness the opportunities this presents to achieve their dreams. You too can do the same but you must be willing to make yourself a NO-Limit person.

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