Become a NO-Limit Person

Posted On April 3, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

If you sincerely desire to build a successful [tag]business[/tag], there is nothing outside of you that can stop you. Every type of person with every imaginable handicap, limitation and obstacle has found a way to overcome their difficulties and go on to great success. You will not be the first person with handicap and you will not be the last. You just need to develop a no-barrier mentality.

No matter how many obstacles you face, someone else have faced 10 times as many and have been successful in spite of it. Building a successful business requires a goal, a plan, self-discipline and hard work. These are the qualities that you can learn and develop but they will place some demand on you and your time.

More so, you need to have your goals always before you. When you are clear about your goals, you trigger the [tag]LAW OF ATTRACTION[/tag] and begin to attract into your life people, ideas, circumstances and resources that help you to achieve them. So, have a clear picture of what you desire for your business and be willing to pay the price of success in advance and keep on paying it over and over until you achieve your goals. The question now is, how badly do you want success?

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2 Responses

  1. hi there
    i love your “Become a NO-Limit Person” post. it is very true that there is no limit to how much one can achieve! it is all up to them to conceive in their mind and achieve it!

    i chanced upon your blog by chance when searching for the law of attraction. the law of attraction has worked wonders for me in my life and i hope it can be the same for you.

    if you allow me, i would like to share this free Attraction Accelerator report with you from Bob Proctor, together with Stephen Pierce:

    may abundance continue to come your way in your life!

    best wishes and regards
    superprotege 🙂

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