
Before you go the crazy route?

Posted On March 14, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Starting and running your own [tag]business[/tag] will affect your family life. I have heard this phrase many times and I will tell you that it is true. Remember, you are risking financial stability and this might affect your family adversely. I once had a discussion with a friend about my plan to resign from my present employment and focus on my business full time. His advise really set me thinking and is helping me to carve out an exit plan for myself now.

Starting your own business may also put pressure on your relationships. Your spouse may feel neglected and you may not have enough time for your children. You might soon find yourself spending less and less time with your friends.I must admit that this is already happening to me despite the fact that I still run my business part-time.

You must realize that family support is also an important factor to [tag]business success[/tag]. Otherwise, you might start feeling lonely as you go through your endeavors. Your family can support you during the tough times and help you get back to your feet when you fall. Victories are sweeter when you have someone to share them with. Ensure that you carry your family along in your search for business succcess.

Before you continue
Are you thinking of starting your own business? Turning your back on a stable career to pursue your own business takes a lot of passion, courage and a little craziness. Before you even think about having your own business, consider this thought:

it is easier and more profitable long-term to just get a job than to start your own business.

If having more money is your main motivation to start your own business, you are already lost from the start. Starting a business takes a lot of courage.

Find the Lunatic like you
Although what you are doing is important, who you are working with is really. A [tag]business idea[/tag], on its own, is meaningless. Other people mean everything. Going into business with the right people can make you millions. Going into business with the wrong people can cost you everything. If you are not certain of the kind of business you want to pursue, start by finding a group of people you respect and admire.

Choose people you can learn from and work with them on whatever type of business they are pursuing. Who you are in business with is more important than what business you are in. A great [tag]entrepreneur[/tag] needs a good team (I am gradually building my team). It is hard to accomplish great things when you are all alone. You need team members who can share in your successes and failures.

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