Best Nigerian University ranked 6340 in the world!

Posted On February 27, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

I was just reading the World’s Universities ranking for African and still find out that no Nigerian University has been able to find itself even within the top 6000 in the world. This is no doubt the true reflector of the quality of the Nigerian education system. The few Nigerian Universities that make the top 100 in Africa are University of Ibadan (57 in Africa, 6304 in the world), Obafemi Awolowo University (69 in Africa, 6645 in the world),

40 Responses

  1. Emmanuel Oluwatosin, God bless you for this dream, some people ask me questions like ” how would this things be?” and i say, If you and i can stand up to do what is right irrespective of the contrary wind, we would ‘sure’ have all this dreams come true. Keep dreaming, One day, history would record that we did dream.

  2. I agree with your submission. It is sad that our educational system has degenerated to this level with our leaders not doing anything about it.I learnt that UNIBEN celibrated their being number one in nig when the saw that they no 47 in Africa according to the latest ranking- what a shame.

    Our president keep saying that Nigeria will become one of 20 biggest economies of the world by the year 2020 as if it is 100 years from now. Is this our we are going to achieve that with our totally collapsed infrastructure, health,power and education?

    We certainly need help.

  3. It is quite unfortunate that our education system is far below standard,if as at now non of the nigerian universities has been among the best 6000 university in the world,our leaders should rise to their feet and do something.

  4. I think O.A.U is being consistent in the rating. Kudos to the v.c prof. Michael Faborede. More effort is needed for better rating of the nigerian universities. Thanks

  5. this is big shame to the nation not to be among top 6000 universities in the world.our education system is far below standard.president yaradua,do something to this big shame

  6. dis is an absolute disappointment to a nation with a population as ours. it shows true reflection of how corrupted we are.anyway,nija buckle u!

  7. I would rather say that this is a call for all of us that graduated from Nigerian universities to rise up to the challenge. We need to focus on working on ourselves and make our school proud.

    @ Sope,
    Thanks for the visit and the comment. I do agree with OAU is one of the best universities in Nigeria. There is no doubt about this. I graduated from OAU and I know the stuffs that we are made up.

  8. Why should we complain about the ranking of Nigerian universities when We as a nation have not being able to feed ourselves. How much has been invested into education in this country? Harvard University is richer than some states in this country! This is just to show how much money is flowing there. More money should be invested in Education. Also universities should become autonomous free from government interference.
    On a lighter note university of Ibadan has and always will be the best university in Nigeria. Rectere Sapere Fons

  9. It is very sad that to me to hear that none of Nigeria universities was ranked one of the best in Africa. And not one of the best 6000 in the word. I think our leaders has to do something about our educational system in Nigeria.

  10. OAUIFE is ranked d number 1 in nigeria, but d fact is dat we are moving farward, there is no stoping, we might not b d 1st established university but we are d best as far as naija is concern. Cudos 2 faborode.

  11. I think this is a shame to the nigeria government. I’m sure if the government put more fund on education like never b4 +changes will take place

  12. I think this is a shame to the nigeria government. I’m sure if the government put more fund on education like never b4 +changes will take place.

  13. oau(oba awon university-meaning king of all university)is still the best university in nigeria ui and others follow

  14. The Government cannot fully solve the problems education is facing today, but effort is required on their part. As students of various nigerian universities we need to consider why other universities are rated higher than ours. We should not always blame the Government. Really, some public universities like IFE, U.I and UNIBEN are trying.

  15. i dont actual think the government of various state should be put in place when it come to the problem most universities in the country are facing because the rectors or vice chancellors which is the topman in the university cannot actually manage what is been given out by government to compensiate the uni in terms of development, repairing of some basic equipment such as laboratory equipment etc, instead they are been used as their own source of survival to keep them going

  16. Praising any University is a big shame on any body that praise his/her institution. I think what we need is to suggest for the government on how to develop our educational sector from the grass to the grace…

  17. our government should join hands together and make sure that nigerians have standard education from the grassroot and see what will become of our youths years after.

  18. everyone knows for sure that oau is the best out there while others still follow but yet our government still has a lot to do about our education sector. it is a shame that the university of pretoria in south africa still outpaces the best university in Nigera(OAU) with about 6000 spaces

  19. i actually think obafemi awolowio university is the best university in nigeria so because they have the infastruccture and the have what it takes to be the best university in nigeria…

  20. To say my mind, I am very ashamed of Nigerian universities. We all claim to be giant of Africa, but look at us we have no place in Africa not to mention of the world. For a saying says that; the strength of any society or country can be measured through it educational strength or capacity. Government should wake up and stop pretending as if they don’t know our place. We need change!!!

  21. Actually OAU deserves to be rated over likes of UI, UNIBEN, UNAB, UNILORIN. This i support b/c of it’s consistency in the webometrics rating over the yrs and also ‘cos of the strong academic pursuit of OAU students

  22. The government should be blamed. Just imagine what budget allocation on education has been reduced to when the 26% demand by ASUU even before this present administration has not been met. This and many more are reasons why we are still struggling to get there. Those schools that are listed have government that believes in education. No matter what, we are blessed with good stuffs in Nigeria and may God see us through to a better Nigeria.I believe in all Nigerian university.OAU still on top.

  23. It is very appalling that no university in Nigeria (the giant of
    Africa) qualifies to find itself among the first 500 in the world universitiiy ranking. It is important to mention that highly qualified Nigerians, including top academics, are all over the world contributing to the development of the countries abroad where they live in. For good quality research and teaching to happen in Nigerian universities, some basic requirements are needed, and it is the responsibility of the Government of Nigeria to meet with these requirements. How can good quality research take place in Nigeria when there is no regular supply of electrcity, no regular flow of water, no research materials, no insentives to carry out research….and lots of other things. In many developed countries, universities are assessed on thier reseacrh output and they are funded accordingly. My suggestion is that the National University Commision (NUC) of Nigeria adopt similar approach to improve research in Nigeria. This should be backed up with adequate funding by the government.

  24. It is very appalling that not even any of the pioneer universities in Nigeria that have produced many renowned academics and many other professionals appear in the world’s top 500 university ranking. Till date many top quality Nigerians are all over the world’s top universities contributing to the fame of these universities. The reason is very simple. They have every resources available to them to carry out ground breaking research. Why can’t the National University Commission in Nigeria put reasonable pressure on the Federal Government of Nigeria to provide research funding and tie such funding to those universities that can prove their capability of carrying out good quality research? In developed countries, universities are asessed every year and research funding allocated to universities according to the results of their performance in research output. This is what is needed in Nigeria too.

  25. I sure believe that OAU is the best university in Nigeria. if students can live their countries to study in our country, what other proof do we need to accept the fact that OAU has an enviable standard among other schools . The condition under which we learn may be unfavorable, this does not mean that the quality is lacking.With this and many more I can say with all confidence that OAU is a king among her equals

  26. I hope people are not losing the focus of this write-up. The issue is not which is the best university amongst Nigerian universities (the normal well known local politics). The issue is how can our universities in Nigeria measure up to world standard so that any Professor from any Nigerian university can be seen and regarded as a Professor in any university in the world and can even take up a university job anywhere in the world. Please leave local politics out of this.

  27. this is a very big shame to all our previous and present leaders. ok, look at this:our currency=P7
    our road=P7
    our infrastructure=C5
    healt care=F9

  28. What do u expect when all d leaders we have had are nothing but thieves who are only concern about is how 2 looth d nation. Like Frantz Fannon rightly said in his book ”the masses are the select and dance and retched” dat entartains thess same thieves when they come visitin. May God Bless Help Us

  29. I would not be surprise if our standard of education flawed to this ranking. Inquire the so-called education minister and his crew what have been the measure to reform the standard if not embezzlement and oppression of the indigent.

  30. Nigerian leaders only think bout themselves they only want the best education for their kids not minding the other citizen meanwhile Babcock university is the best in Nigeria for now


  32. As far as i am concerned, there are 2 universities in Nigeria. They are U I and others. Nigeria premier university

  33. God bless Nigeria as we all know but we are not utilising the blessing. If we all identify our self as an individual know what we can produce and be focused the sky will be our limit.

    What so ever we are studing in school let us identify what we want to produce for the country.

  34. mhen its really sad..nigeria z still crawling in the educational sector…….anywayz be proud of wot u’ve got..greatest UITES!!!!!!!!!!

  35. I lyk nigerian students 4 1 thing…….WE SUFFER WITH PRIDE!! despite the fact that no nigerian univerity is among top 6000 in the world, or 50 in africa,we still av the guts to hail our universities…anywayz wont blame ourselves,lyk i sed earlier,be proud of wot u’ve got,blow ur trumpet,coz if u do not,no body will.

  36. Greatest UNAABITES!!! What more can I say? This rankin is only attestatn 2 d fact dat Unaabites are dogged and academicians in d making…..People of UI, OAU, et al, u had better watch out cos we are just coming up-more spring ups!

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