Building the Brand that You need

Posted On January 22, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

I agreed totally with Deolu that Visibility is more important that Abillity. Irrespective of your training, skills, education and experience, if you’re not seen in the right way by the right people, over and over again, you will lose business to lower-quality competitors who are more visible. This applies to you if you are working in an organisation.

I had an experience that changed my life. I was involved in some projects at one time and executed the tasks very well without any interaction with the management. Someone laid claim to the glory. I later found this out but I had myself to blame. Why? I used to work behind the scene but I have since learnt that you need visibility to climb the corporate ladder.

The boss will only recommend for promotion the employees that are visible to him in the company. This comes down to how the boss perceives you. You need to a [tag]personal brand[/tag]. Your brand is how people perceive you. Branding is everything and that is why you need to work on your brand. To get off on the right foot, follow these steps:

  1. Write down what you want people to expect of you (you may need to identify a role model and note how people feel about that person).
  2. Write down the things you have done so far that have made you successful and the things that have cost you fortune
  3. Think about the aspects of your personality, background and approach to your work that best fit your prospect expectations
  4. Which characteristics can you work into your Personal Brand that will suggest the factors that have made you successful?
  5. Which things should definitely NOT go into your brand?

Focus on carving a niche for yourself in a specific area. You need to be know for something. Determine what this is and [tag]brand yourself[/tag] accordingly. This will help you to narrow down the scope of who you are or what you do thereby packaging yourself as a specialist in a smaller, more precise range of services. Without specializing, you will just be another anonymous service provider, with no reason for prospects to choose you over anyone else.

Download this free book – “Secrets of the [tag]science of getting rich[/tag]!” It is my gift to you.

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