Can You Get Everything You Want?

Posted On May 13, 2008 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Is it really possible for you to get everything you want in life? YES, it is…But there’s just one problem. Someone else has it now and you have to convince them to give it to you! Nothing good comes on a platter of gold. You must be ready and willing to sacrifice to go for what you want. You need to leave your comfort zone and go after what you feel is important to you.

If you want to go to college, you have to convince the college admissions officer to let you in by showing that you’re a good student. For instance, if you want to go to a top [tag]business school[/tag], you have to start first by preparing for your GMAT examination. This places a lot of demand on you as you definitely going to combine this with your existing work. After you pass your examination, you will then site down to write your application essays and submit your [tag]MBA[/tag] applications to as many schools as you want. If you scale this hurdle, you will have to scale the hurdle of interview before you are eventually offered admission.

If what you want is a raise or a better job, you have to convince your employer to give you one. This involves you becoming master of what you do and make yourself relevant to the company. The people in your organisation that are being paid money that is many times your current salary are not necessary wiser than you. They have only been able to make themselves relevant in the organisation in such a way that your boss is willing to pay any amount to keep them. Seek to understand how they got to where they are and make a commitment to put in effort to achieving this same.

You may be interested in running a [tag]business[/tag] and creating wealth. Yes, this is possible but there is also something that you have to do. You need to find a need and seek to meet those needs. Don’t start by having a product and then looking for customers. Rather find the hungry customers first and then work on delivering the bait. This way, you will be sure that you have customers who will be willing to buy your products and services.

And if you want the deeper and more meaningful things in life… trust, respect, praise and admiration of the people around you… loyal friends… security… prestige… popularity… children who adore you… overall success… things that you can’t buy with money… the fact remains the same. You have to go for what you want. There are people who don’t have the kind of opportunity that you have and yet are living their dreams. There is, therefore, no excuse for you. Your dream today can become your reality tomorrow. Rise up and give yourself no other option. Pursue your dream! So, I ask you the question again…can you get everything you want? I can and I will…what about you?

3 Responses

  1. Nice Blog. You posts are very motivating. Do you mind if I add your site to my link list?

  2. Emmanuel,

    You are doing a fantastic Job here… don’t stop.

    All you write is waiting for someone’s set time. At that time, it will speak.



  3. Pastor D.,
    Thanks for the encouragement. I will be writing another post in the next few hours. I have had busy weeks writing exams and consulting for clients in school. You will see more frequent post from me in the next few days :-d

    By the way, I am in for your 40-day challenge o

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