Entrepreneurship is Not for the Faint of Heart… It is a Vocation & a Lifestyle

Posted On February 8, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

It’s a scary world out there and you are definitely going to take some hard knocks along the way. And the one you just survived is not going to be as difficult as the next. The good news is, when all has gone to the bottom of the barrel, there is only one direction to go and that’s up.

However, you should know that… Investors will pull out of a deal and partnership negotiations will fall apart (this happens to me several times in my involvement in business start-ups); family gatherings and holidays might never be the same; you could lose your family, house, car, marriage, backyard, and all that you hold dear; Your loved ones might not understand why you don’t call them like you used to do and your siblings will think you’re crazy; you could suffer from depression for a while and need to see a therapist; some big business guy will lie to you and not return your calls; Just imagine yourself providing services to so-called established companies who hold on to your money despite the fact that you have executed your own part of the deal; and you will get screwed over countless times.

Key to surviving is finding other entrepreneurs to commiserate with, mentors to guide you and provide advise, and lastly, get some tough skin. Try not to take these things too personally. If you do, only allow them to bother you for a day. Then move on. Get back up at it. Real entrepreneurs tend to play this game regardless of the consequences. And they will do it over and over again no matter what. If you’re not prepared to lose over and over again, go bankrupt a couple of times, and learn the real gift of humility – this is not for you!

(This writeup is to remind me of what I have to keep doing over and over again… Sometimes I wonder if I can handle one more day…but there I am bright and early, eager to see what happens once again. This is just the beginning of my entrepreneur journey.)

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