Find a need and Fill it

Posted On April 4, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Entrepreneurship is the art of finding profitable solutions to problems. Every successful [tag]entrepreneur[/tag] has been a person who has been able to identify a problem and come up with a solution to it before someone else did. There are needs around you everyday. Your responsibility is to find them and fill them.

Human needs and wants are unlimited. This makes the opportunities for entrepreneurship and financial success unlimited also. The only constraints are the ones you place on your imagination. Concerned with the overwhelming challenges and burden associated with the enormous dependency on cash in the country, InterSwitch came up with a solution that is gradually changing the economy to a cashless economy.

The company’s system support s automated customer transaction from multiple channels such as ATMs, mobile and Internet. Currently, over 500 ATMs are connected to InterSwitch system. Mbanking is life on GloMobile GSM network. Besides, cards carriers can shop on 15 merchants web portals enabled by WebPAY, an InterSwitch Internet gateway payment system. This has really changed the way many transact businesses in the country and is also increasing the net worth of the company.

Interswitch found a need and continually seeks to fill it. You too can do the same. You only need to look around you. What is it that annoys you in your environment? That might be a clue to the problem you need to solve. What are you waiting for? Find a need and fill it now.

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