How to find great people for your business

Posted On February 14, 2008 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

If you are just [tag]starting out in business[/tag], you will understand the enormous impact of a single team member. One thing you need to know fast is that there is a limit to what you can do alone in your business. So, you really can not do without people. Getting people that buy into your idea takes a lot of effort from you but once you get this right, you are in for a good time.

Whenever you think of bringing a person on board, you need to answer the question, “What will the person bring on board“. Your candid answer to this question will set the criteria for you to get the person that best fits into your business goal and plans. Every person you add to your team must be a star. Is that possible? Absolutely but you need to understand what a star is within each role of your company.

The Power of People: Your business starts with you as the [tag]entrepreneur[/tag] and flows from there to everyone on your team. The people around you determine if your business will succeed or not. Great people can take a mediocre idea and turn it into success. But no matter how great the idea is, if you have mediocre people on the team it will not succeed. Ask [tag]successful entrepreneurs[/tag] around you and they will tell you that the quality of the people in your organisation is important.

If you need to tap into the power of people, you have to understand that it is the personal relationships that you have or can cultivate that will make the difference in your ability to attract the right set of people to your team. Please note that you must be proactive if you are going to attract “great people” to your team. You can hire people by placing ads but you run the risk of attracting walk-ons. Great people need to be pursued. By great people, I don’t mean people who are already successful alone but also potentials.

Hiring people with potential allows for growth into a position and keeps the employee motivated over a longer period of time. It’s also less expensive. Hiring people with proven skills will not only allow you to quickly fill in areas where your team is weak but also give you time to focus on your core responsibilities in the business.

2 Responses

  1. This is nuggets of truth in a compress format. A nice one brother. This is a worthy addition to my collection. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Naijaecash,
    Great to know that you find this write-up very useful. I have since learnt that everyone needs people to succeed in life. So, if you are really serious about running a successful business, you need to surround yourself with great minds – people that can push you out of your comfort zone. These are the people that will allow you to focus on the core of your business.

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