What do you see? Big Problems or Big Opportunities?

Posted On August 3, 2008 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

What do you around you? Big problems or Big opportunities? Do you move around and all you see are problems? What you see today as problems are actually opportunities in disguise. We are continuously faced with great opportunities brilliantly disguised as seemly unsolvable problems. Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest [tag]success[/tag] stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity.

Concerned with the overwhelming challenges and burden associated with the enormous dependency on cash in the country, InterSwitch came up with a solution that is gradually changing the economy to a cashless economy. The company’s system support s automated customer transaction from multiple channels such as ATMs, mobile and Internet. Currently, over 1000 ATMs are connected to InterSwitch system.  Besides, cards carriers can shop on several merchants web portals enabled by WebPAY, an InterSwitch Internet gateway payment system. This has really changed the way many transact [tag]business[/tag]es in the country and is also increasing the net worth of the company.

The most interesting thing is that nearly all problems have multiple solutions. In all problems, there are opportunities (probably several) if you look for them. Different definitions of the word “problem” result in differing attitudes, some proactive, some non-reactive. The proactive person sees problems as challenges, opportunities and even games. Look at a problem as an opportunity for change and improvement. Are you currently facing a serious problem at work? You need to make up your mind not to allow the problem to overwhelm you.

Problems do not need to happen in response to pressure from external factors or horrible events at work. Deciding to have a fresh awareness and a new point of view will allow you to see possibilities for improvement, no matter what the circumstances around you. Any area that might be improved could be a problem for you to solve and thereby gain recognition in the workplace. Look for potential problems areas at work and solve them before they get out of hand. And you know what? That might be your stepping-stone to the promotion you so desire.

Developing a proactive, positive attitude toward “problems” will not only cause you to be happier and more confident at work, people will like you better. The problem-solving attitude allows you to respond with enthusiasm to enable positive changes, especially at work.  Problems are a gateway to Success. A problem can emerge from realizing that the present is not perfect, while the future can be better. Start from where you are and move up. This creates an attitude of hope and results in actions for positive change. Faith in achieving your hopes and dreams gives you permission to challenge yourself to improve your future. So, it’s not a problem, it’s a step up! This should be your motto henceforth.

Many successful people have seen problems and turned them into opportunites. You too can do the same starting from your present situation. You only need to start seeing problems as opportunities in disguise. What is it that annoys you in your environment? That might be a clue to the problem you need to solve. What are you waiting for? Look beyond the problems and start seeing opportunities that will launch you to the next phase of your life. What do you see now? Problems or Big Opportunities?

4 Responses

  1. A mentor once told me that my attitude is more critical than the seeming problem I may be facing. He actually thought me to stop saying I have a problem. The right thing to say is “I have a challenge”. Once I am able to say that, my whole mind is now positioned to start looking for solution, because challenges are meant to be SURMOUNTED not TALK about.

    Nice job well done. I love the new theme. It is beautiful.

  2. Hey Tony,
    Welcome back :-d and thanks for the comment on the new theme. Just want to add to what you just raised about attitude. I have since learnt that ATTITUDE determines ALTITUDE. How far a man will rise in life will depend on his attitude to the challenges that come his way. Two people may face this same situation but the outcome will definitely be different.

    We all need to start looking beyond the present challenge and see the great things that lies ahead. Many people Pass Over Opportunities Repeatedly (people remain POOR) because the opportunities are disguised as problems and many give up without even trying. So, it is a matter of choice. You can either remain POOR or use your situation as a stepping-stone to where you are going.

  3. I was hoping to use the comment session to ask if i had missed this opportunity…Maybe not in the smartest form…i never considered zenith bank an option until i met a friend who linked me up with someone in the bank..the major turnoff for me was the fact thai had not gotten the job yet or written the test and i was already told to start marketing and bringin in accounts…i wasn’t very pleased….plus i learnt from my spirital father that not all opportunities are good that some of them are traps in disguise…..they never called me for the test, i didnt bother pressing either…pls emmanuel..would u know say it was my pre conceived attitude that gave me away…made them not call me back ….P.S, I didnt make a face when asked to start the marketing venture..just said thank u and lefy to start studying my gmats….
    Is there a connection between destiny and opportunities

  4. Hi Deola,
    Not all open doors are your door. I will, therefore, not say that you have missed an opportunity in this case. We just need to be sensitive enough to recognise the doors that have been opened to us. Zenith has not employed you nor promised you employment based on you meeting any target. If I were in your position, I would have done the same. First, I would request for a written agreement or contract before I can start marketing for the company. You don’t even know if the Zenith staff is using you to meet his/her own target.

    If you need more clarification, you can send me an email

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