
How to make N2.5 million annually

Posted On March 7, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Did I catch your attention already? Yes, I believe so. This is no SCAM and this scheme is making some people rich already. What is this scheme? It is deol. I heard about this scheme like 2 years ago but I didn’t really take it serious until I read about it again on Adeolu’s blog.

How does this work? Open a savings account with N1000.00 (One Thousand Naira) and continue with a N500.00 (Five Hundred Naira) monthly contribution with the Sapphire Flash Club of the First Inland Bank and receive a N50.00 Commission on every customer in your team and earn up to N500,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira) in 4 practical steps.

  1. Step 1: You personally introduce 10 Customers to the bank who will be Contributing N500.00 monthly.
  2. Step 2: Your 10 Customers will also introduce their own 10 customers each making each 100 Customers
  3. Step 3: These 100 Customers will introduce 10 Customers each making 1000 Customers paying N500.00 monthly to the bank.
  4. Step 4: These 1000 Customers will introduce 10 Customers each making 10,000 Customers paying N500.00 monthly to the bank.

Your Reward on Investment

In 12 months, you would have contributed only N6, 000.00 (Six Thousand Naira) to the bank, however you would have received commission amounting to over N500, 000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira) before the year runs out.

Is this real?

  1. Step 1: On your 10 Customers you receive N50 x 10 = N500.00
  2. Step 2: On their 100 Customers you receive N50 x 100 = N5,000.00
  3. Step 3: On their 1000 Customers you receive N50 x 1000 =N50,000.00
  4. Step 4: On their 10,000 Customers you receive N50 x 10,000 = N500,000.00


As long as your team of 10,000 Customers pay their monthly N500.00 contribution you will receive N500,000.00 monthly. Develop other lines as you could make more money. Your account number is your GSM Number. You can also withdraw your money anytime you wish from any branch of First Inland Bank. Once you open the Account, you’ll receive a four-digit password from the Bank as a text message.

You can access your account on the Internet from the website of the bank using Phone No. and Password. You will receive a text message crediting you with N50.00 on each customer brought into your team, this text will be sent in at the end of the month. With your internet account you will have a list of all your customers you have received and their phone numbers. Any month you don’t pay N500.00 you will lose your commission for that month.

You can introduce as many people as you want, if you start with.

  • 10 in four steps you get N500,000.00
  • 20 in four steps you get N1,000,000.00
  • 30 in four steps you get N1,500,000.00
  • 40 in four steps you get N2,000,000.00
  • 50 in four steps you get N2,500,000.00

After registration, make sure you collect: (1) Manual (for your guide) (2) Forms (which you will use to recommend other people, or you can request for a soft copy from me.) from the bank.

Sapphire FlashClubThe truth is that you can only register through someone who has registered already. So if you are interested, download the form here (Click on the small picture), fill and take to any First Inland Bank close to you (You will have to fill my name – OLUWATOSIN, EMMANUEL O in the space for “introduced by” and my number 08055570426 in the space for “Introducers GSM No”.

The other option is for you to open an a free FlashMeCash account on-line, make payment into your account and flash my number 08055570426 with N500 and I would sign you up.

As soon as you open the account, your own forms will be given to you to build your own down lines.


  1. The scheme is organized by the Bank, not a third party organization.
  2. You can withdraw your money from any branch of the bank nationwide

Feel free to try this, I have tried this and I am currently a member of the club. I am sure very few people know about this yet. I was impressed when I got the first text from them about my password and that my account had been credited with N1000. So, what are you waiting for? Start to build your wealth legitimately from N500.

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