How to start your business in 2007

Posted On December 27, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Are you thinking of launching your own [tag]business startup[/tag]? Or is it a business magazine? Maybe you have not decided yet but are certain you want to [tag]start your own business[/tag]. Are you just seeking an escape from the mundanity of nine-to-five employment; maybe you can’t stand working for anyone else for a minute longer. You may have the feeling that perhaps you’ve just been made redundant or simply have an idea that’s too good to go to waste. Whichever it is, that first entrepreneurial seed has been sown, and before long you will be starting your own business.

But how do you grow that seed into a thriving, new business? Firstly, do you really want to? Are you cut out for it? Even if you are, is it too greater risk to give up a secure income? And just where should you start? You’ve probably got at least one of these questions, along with many others, swimming around your head right now – and that’s perfectly understandable.

Starting up your own business will change your life. It will change the way you think, the way you work, the way you spend money and the way you socialise. It will be one of the most demanding challenges you will ever be likely to take on. You will be made to work every hour possible to get your business off the ground and even longer to keep it afloat during the early days. You probably won’t have another holiday for a couple of years (especially when you want to combine it with your present paid employment) and virtually your entire life will become focused on making your business start up succeed.

Starting your own business will change your life. It’ll change the way you think, the way you work, the way you spend money and the way you socialise.

This is the harsh truth of starting your own business. If you thought you would be reducing your hours not increasing them and that, frankly, it all seems a bit too much trouble, you may need to stop reading now. Close this page now or possibly turn off your computer and think of a different way to improve your everyday happiness.

If you are still burning with that desire to launch your business solution, keep reading – you are already showing all the attributes an entrepreneur needs when starting up in business. The truth is that there will be plenty of anxieties and unanswered questions, but like every [tag]successful entrepreneur[/tag] starting a small business, the thought of a challenge should excite and enthuse you.

If you are going to succeed, you will have to concentrate all your energy into the new business because it will be ‘your baby’ and you and your family will be the ones reaping the rewards. You will also have the enthusiasm and ideas to find solutions to the obstacles in your path.

“There’s never been a better time to start a business. “

What is more? Many successful entrepreneurs had no business qualifications or experience prior to starting up in business (for instance, I knew next to nothing on web hosting when we started Nairahost). Many spent months, even years, formulating their idea into a viable business proposition; and absolutely every single one has made mistakes, accepted help and learnt lessons as they’ve gone along.

The reason they have succeeded is because they have remained determined, focused, worked extremely hard and had the clarity of mind to realise they couldn’t do it all on their own. If you share these attributes, you’re half way there. And you need not be that scary. It might seem that you only ever hear bad news about the condition of the economy, but there’s never been a better time to start a business than now.

There has never been so much help and information from business startup services available to people wanting to do it as there is today. All you have to do is to be willing to ask people for help. Information is available everywhere. There has never been so much funding available for business start ups (most banks are now looking for where to invest their money).

“Starting and running your own business is an encapsulating, exciting and potentially life changing experience. “

Business start ups are now fundamental to the economy. The days of thousands of large companies employing millions of staff are no more. The number of aspiring entrepreneurs starting small businesses have surged in recent years. So, while you might be on the verge of starting your own business with the freedom to work when, where and for how long you want, you won’t, contrary to popular belief, be ‘going it alone’. There will be others going through the same experience, there will be others who have already gone through the experience and there will be business startup services to guide you.

The choice is yours now. Nobody is going to build your business for you while you sit. You are the master of your own destiny. Do something today.

Download this free book – “Secrets of the [tag]science of getting rich[/tag]!” It is my gift to you.

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4 Responses

  1. Weldone Emmanuel, I can see that you are on fire. Keep it up! Looking forward to doing great things in 2007. Great posts.

  2. Thanks my brother. I am on fire for good. I just finished a negotiation with a friend who wants to take Nairahost to some Africa countries and I am excited about the opportunities this will bring in 2007.

    I have always said that 2007 is a great year but we need to keep working on ourselves so as to be able achieve the desired result. The ball is on our court now. Like you said, I have given myself no other option.

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