How to find market for your business idea

Posted On January 4, 2008 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Can you find someone who will buy your [tag]business [/tag]idea? Usually, when people first come up with an idea for their business they assume they could then sell their idea to everyone, everywhere. The trick here is to try and find the groups of people or businesses that will buy from you, and work out WHY they will buy your product or service.

What need are you fulfilling and how will people benefit from buying from you? There are many sources of information that can help you discover whether there is a market for your [tag]business idea[/tag]. Some of it can be very general but some of it can be very specific, and a lot of this research information can be free.

Make a note to contact the Small [tag]Business Directory[/tag] in your area and find out what information might be available on the market you hope to supply. If they don’t have direct access to relevant information, they usually know where it can be found. You might also need to do a search on-line. You would be surprised that you would get more information than you presently need.

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One Response

  1. Emmanuel compliments of the season, hope u are doing fine 4 this new year.Emma i saw your write up on nairaland and i was impress with your write up.
    Emma,i have a business idea that i am yet to fully develope in the food industry.This is mainly due to financial constraints and fear of it being hijacked by dishonest persons if disclosed to them. I am sending this believing u to be an honest person.
    I am seeking for your assistance in the development of this idea,and i dont know if u can fix a date for us to meet.
    I will be very grateful if u are of utmost assistance to me. u can reach me wit dis number 08052774117 or my email add above
    Looking forward to hearing from u. THANKS

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