One Good Deed…

Posted On March 9, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Are you in [tag]business[/tag] and finding it hard to win [tag]customers[/tag]? What I want to share now will be of help to you. I used to experience the same challenge until I heard the story of how a business man turned his fortune around. The lesson behind this story has been the basis of my business transactions. So, stay glue and be ready to apply what you are going to learn.

A middle-age man was desperate in need of a printer to print some copies of a presentation he had to make that day. He could not get to use the hotel’s printer as it had developed fault long before that day. The number of a business man who runs a Computer School in the same town was given to him. Fortunately for him, he got through to the number and the business offered to take his printer to the hotel where the man meant to have his presentation.

At the end of the day, the presentation was printed and the man was happy. He requested for his bill so that he could make the payment and rush to prepare for his presentation. The business man told him that he should forget about the bill as he could be in such situation some days and might need people to bail him out. He saw that transaction as an act to help out someone in need. The middle-age man was surprised as it never occurred to him that he could get that service for free. The two men exchanged contact details and the parted ways.

Few weeks later, the business man received a surprise call from the middle-age man. The man had just won a contract to train the staffs of a government organisation and he was looking to no other person to assist him in the execution of the project than the business man who had helped him when he was in need. At the end of the project which lasted for 3 weeks, the business man made money he would not have been able to make in 6 months.

The Great lesson

When I head the story the first time, my mind could not just comprehend on on earth a BUSINESS MAN could afford to offer a service free. I am sure many of us would have embraced that opportunity to enrich ourselves on the spot while we loose focus of the ultimate thing. The business man focused on [tag]building a relationship[/tag] first which he was able to convert to business deals later.

You need to keep reminding yourself that you are not in business only to satisfy your needs but rather because you have been able to identify some needs which you feel you can need. You may need to review the reason why you started that business? In my few years in business, I have discovered that a lot of customers may not necessary come back to you due to quality of your service but how they feel each time they come in contact with you.

Always ensure that you are creating [tag]opportunities[/tag] for your clients to connect with you. Show interested in what they are going through. Don’t just be interested in making your quick money. Rather I would advise that you focus on helping them meet their needs. People are natural social animals and would want to be treated that way. It is your responsibility to make both your internal customers (employees) and external customers feel great. This might not translate into sales initially. Don’t worry. Only sow the seed. The harvest will come soon.

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