One on one with Prosper: The brain behind

Posted On October 10, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

When I first heard about, I was wondering what this young man is up to again. A chat with Prosper Onogberie actually reveals what led him to embark on this project. Are you out there and still wondering how you can turn your dream into a project, read on… This interview is for you

Emmanuel: hello

Prosper: rocks

Emmanuel: can you spare 30 mins

Prosper: hello. I was away from my desk for a while

Emmanuel: Can I know you?

Prosper: I’m Onogberie Prosper

Emmanuel: hm..

Prosper: hail from Ozoro Delta State and ofcourse very Nigerian

Emmanuel: is that all you want us to know?

Prosper: 🙂 I’m also a business man

Emmanuel: great?

Prosper: in the Online Industry

Emmanuel: that brings me to the second question, What do you do?

Prosper: I’m a web developer by skill

Emmanuel: listening

Prosper: and I’m into e-commerce

Emmanuel: e-commerce? what do you mean by e-commerce

Prosper: business electronically

Emmanuel: What lead you into business?

Prosper: well. i kind of saw it as an inevitable end for every man. i mean I see people work for the Gov. and then retire to start their own

Emmanuel: hm..

Prosper: people work for “ABC…” and same thing happening so I mean

Emmanuel: listening

Prosper: it was kind of the future for me. However

Emmanuel: go on

Prosper: It really got stronger when Alumni of O.A.U started coming around to do seminars on Entrepreneurship and Business, when I read rich dad poor dad

Emmanuel: that is great

Prosper: and Visited Business week, I saw then that it’s actually possible to start while young and better for a fact

Emmanuel: great. what was your first business experience? and how did it go?

Prosper: ahh

Emmanuel: what was your first shot at business?

Prosper: ok. First business experience was an opportunity I saw for Building websites for all the lecturers in O.A.U for a very negligible fee

Emmanuel: whao! websites for all lecturers in OAU

Prosper: I was a really funny experience

Emmanuel: how did it go?

Prosper: cause partly It was borne out of the fact that I could see schools like MIT and Stanford had lecturers with webpages and O.A.U didn’t have any. So, I thought it would be nice to do one for them but…

Emmanuel: that is really great

Prosper: I guess the Lecturers weren’t all seeing things the way I saw it

Emmanuel: IC :-d

Prosper: I got turned down and Ignoredand in Occations where i was refered by other lecturers

Emmanuel: hen hen

Prosper: they made me feel really bad about my Idea

Emmanuel: You mean lecturers actually turned you down

Prosper: yea. they did. i think the only ones who encouraged me was Dr. Fakoya

Emmanuel: ah

Prosper: from Health Sciences. He actually asked me to design for their faculty but err

Emmanuel: and u did?

Prosper: the project got tangled in Faculty Politics. So, I didn’t get to do any successfully but it was a great experience all the same

Emmanuel: cool. What projects are you currently involved with?

Prosper: wew. ok I’m currently working on five projects – three of them are electronic Market Square’s

Emmanuel: listening

Prosper: clients and two are personal projects

Emmanuel: what is electronic market square about?

Prosper: Electronic Market Square is a web development outfit

Emmanuel: listening

Prosper: it handles the design and implementation of web applications and wedsite design

Emmanuel: how do you source for your clients?

Prosper: I hard source for projects as a matter of fact. I haven’t sourced for Projects like others do

I get the through referrals – Referral by Clients

Emmanuel: referral?

Prosper: and mostly through locally outsourced projects. Yea. You know people you’ve worked for and those you’ve worked with

Emmanuel: alr8 🙂

Prosper: and most times our work speaks for us

Emmanuel: by the way, I heard you are the brain behind Can you tell us more about this noble project

Prosper: oh yea. that’s one of the personal projects i was talking about. There was a day i was trying to get the up-to-date prices of computer hardware

Emmanuel: hen hen. How has it been threading this entrepreneurship route?

Prosper: and I found out that Guardian which was the traditional route were not putting up the prices anymore so i set out to get the problem solved which resulted in

Emmanuel: this is great. so, it is about solving a problem?

Prosper: primarily it is about solving problems

Emmanuel: cool

Prosper and partly fun

Emmanuel: k. Any challenge(s) so far on the way?

Prosper: oh yea lots

Emmanuel: This is a follow up to the question I asked earlier “how has it been threading this entrepreneurship route?”

Prosper: particularly getting the right partners on long term projects. it’s been a whole rollercoaster of learning

Emmanuel: What do you think is the cause of this?

Prosper: which?

Emmanuel: I mean not being able to get the right partners for long time projects

Prosper: well, I think the environment which we live has made people think in a particular wayfor instance

Emmanuel: hen hen. I dont understand. can you be more explicit?

Prosper: people look more at the money they want to make than the problems they can solve

Emmanuel: hm…I guess I understand now. I once had the same problem

Prosper: when for a fact every problem well solved earns you money

Emmanuel: alr8. What do you have to say to fellow youths who want to start their business?

Prosper: Information is Power. Get information and be open to learn new things every day plus. Never let setbacks stop you from achieving your goals

Emmanuel: hm…

Prosper: The African Child’s only limitations are they think they are limited

Emmanuel: this reminds me of the sayings “every man is only limited in his thought”

Prosper: very true Tosin. very true

Emmanuel: Thanks very much for your time Prosper

Prosper: anytime

Emmanuel: and I hope my reader(s) will have one or two thing(s) to learn from your story

Prosper: i do hope so too

Emmanuel: we would call on you soon.

Prosper: my pleasure

Emmanuel: thanks

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5 Responses

  1. This is an encouraging conversation,especially as it is now live on the web for all to catch a “fire” from.
    What programming language are you using for your work cuz ur is wonderful?

  2. wow i realy love these. i will realy love to meet frank and personally you emmanuel. the IT industry is still at large for us to potray. my name is adeboye moses of multimedia solutionz our site is still under construction and it will be launched by january 2007. we are in to web developing and digital animation, photo and video editing. pls emma i will like to meet u personally.

    adeboye moses.


  3. Hi AB,
    thanks for the comment and I do hope that your find the interview revealing.

    You can send me an email and we can exchange emails if you need anything

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