Are you ready to pay the price?

Posted On February 6, 2008 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Are you ready to pay the price? Do you have clear vision of what you where you are going and things seem to be far away? For some of us, the road ahead is definitely beautiful and something to look forward to. But are we ready to pay the price? I have discovered over time that opportunities come only to those who are prepared. So, what do you do to harness the opportunities that come your way everyday?

Life is beautiful and gives everyone what he demands. You might be wondering why things seem not to be working the way you want since you have been made to believe that EVERYBODY DESERVES EVERYTHING GOOD IN LIFE – things would just fall into place i.e. go to school, get a good degree & grade and you would get a good job or start that [tag]business[/tag] and you would soon be a success.

Most people have soon found out that there is more to it than mere getting a good grade or having a beautiful [tag]business idea[/tag]. The alarming number of graduates who finished with at least second class upper who are still searching for jobs and the death rate of [tag]business start-ups[/tag] within their first 5 years of existence have confirmed this.

The presently system does have its challenges & limitations but the major problem is the limitation you have placed on yourself. Life is operated based on the principle of SEED and SOWING. For everything you want in life, there has to be a corresponding action from your part. Anything that comes cheap in life is fake. You would soon discover the price you have to pay.

You can create what you want in life but you have to be willing to pay the price. If it means you have to read a book or attend a seminar, please do it even if you will have to cut short the money you spend on snacks so as to be able to afford the seminar fee. You would definitely be happy you did at the end of the day. No matter what your situation is right now, you probably need to follow the advice of Robert Heilbroner, “Develop your VISION, stand on the edge of time and gaze into the future“. So, rise us to the challenge, Step Out and Pay the Price. The world is waiting for your manifestation.

4 Responses

  1. There is an ever present reality here which I hope you are not glossing over. The reality is that the young man/woman is willing to do whatever it takes; however, he/she is (dis)empowered by the blatant lack of resources.

    Books and seminars are great facilitators but they all require money! Ideas like Philip Emeagwali told us rules the world. We can serve the purpose of the future generation of Nigerians by finding ways to transform their ideas into ventures.

    How about getting the rich and wealthy out there to invest in these ideas? The truth is that people out there are paying the price daily; if only they can be given a helping hand to lean on!!! They sure will reach the sky.

  2. @ Which Way Nigeria,
    Thanks for the comment. I hope you find some other useful resources on the website.

    I quite understand that it requires money to buy books or go for seminar but there is no prize without a price. Every successful people we can think of today paid the price at one stage of their lives. But are we ready to go through the same thing they went through?

    Even if you don’t have money, you can still attend seminar and get to read the books you need. If you look around, you will find people who can lend you their books for some days. The most important thing is the desire to succeed.

    When you follow your desire with action, even the rich will knock at your door to invest in your business ideas. We have cases of entrepreneurs who faced rejection as regards raising fund at the start of their business but who banks are now chasing around because their business is doing well. A typical example is Tantalizer.

    So, let’s keep working on our idea and choose to pay the price now and play later.

  3. its me again. yeap i think you are absolutely right- like the saying goes, there is no food for the lazy hands…we all neeed to make sarifaces, pay the price and things like that.

    you said it!

  4. Hi Ademola,
    Great to have you back. I feel we are in a crusade now. You and I now need to get this message of “NO PAIN, NO GAIN” to as many people as possible. I always tell people that come my way that everyone can achieve anything in life only if he can pay the price.

    The price may come in form of pain and that is when most people give up. Only the persistent will achieve anything meaningful in life. Let us pursue our dreams. It may not look like it now but we will get there.

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