Ready to close your sales?

Posted On March 8, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Are you having problem getting customers despite all the effort you are putting? Is closing sales a big issue for you? Geoffrey James of BNET shares some great insights on how to close sales without applying tricks.  I am sure your business experience will never be the same again if you apply some of the tips.

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3 Responses

  1. Hiya…
    Interesting but I tried to register a domain with Nairahost but to no avail.. My ticket has been open for about 2 days running… Hope I get a response soon 🙂 You know bad news travels faster…. (No, it’s not a threat, it’s all love!)

  2. Hey Woofie,
    Nairahost doesn’t register .ng domains. They only provide DNS hosting for the service. So, if you are picking one of the hosting plans, you get the registration free.

    I am sure you would have gotten a mail from Nairahost asking you to provide the name, details (phone number, email address, postal address etc) of the contact person in the company that owns the domain. Nairahost needs this to submit your request. So, I would advise that you drop a ticket online providing the information stated above and the domain name involved.

    Once you provide this information, your request would be submitted.

    NB: The contact person has to know about the company that owns the domain as he/she will receive a call from the registrar.

  3. Emmanuel,

    Glad you like our BNET blog, Sales Machine! We’ve also got a Marketing & Sales newsletter that goes out twice a week to registered BNET users. (Registration is free.)

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