
Develop Your Strength to Seize Opportunities

Posted On November 14, 2008 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin
passing over opportunities repeatedly

Are you Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly without seizing them? Are you still waiting for your opportunities? You may have been told that opportunities knock on the door and you have been preparing for the day it will knock on your door for donkey years. But wait…what is [tag]opportunity[/tag]? Does it really knock on people’s door? When does it knock? I don’t believe it ever knocks. Even if you wait a whole lifetime, I can guarantee you that you will hear no knocking.

You are the opportunity and it is your responsibility to knock on the door to your destiny. You start by preparing yourself to recognise opportunity when you see one. Have an open mind in all situation. Then you will have to pursue and seize opportunity as you develop your strength. The one opportunity that is accessible to you NOW is being able to steer yourself to a productive goal through the growing awareness of “who you are”, “what you can be” and “how you can channel what you have got to turn your [tag]dreams[/tag] into reality”. Nobody can do this for you. So, you owe yourself a lot by committing to this.

You have to create opportunity. This is your responsibility and don’t let anybody deceive you that they can do this for you. It is your call to develop the capacities you need to move towards opportunity. Your starting point will be to work on your thinking. What normally comes to mind when you are faced with challenges? Do you see adversity or opportunities? Your thinking has to align with your goals. Your thought must be able to direct your energy towards fulfilling your dreams / goals. This won’t come easy but you must fight for your right to fulfil the opportunity that God gave you to use your life well. You can do this in your mind when you support yourself.

You have to constantly focus on developing your creative and imaginative power instead of worrying. Don’t bother yourself with what other people think or say about you. Always remember that opinion doesn’t change potential. Moreover, you must stop complaining about your unfortunate past and open your eyes to the opportunities that exist for you. One thing that complaining or focusing on the past does is that it robs you of the future. While it is true that you may have limitations, you need to focus on the opportunities that abound. Search for your creative powers so that you can move towards your opportunites. Leave the camp of those whose major work is to criticize everything. The best they can do is to take you further away from recognising your opportunities.

Finally, know that our world is full of so many opportunities. There are countless number of businesses yet to be started, softwares yet to be written and even exams to be written. The frontiers are not all closed and the doors are not yet shut. Every new day creates a platform for us to move forward and create exciting new opportunities. The ball is in our court. Also, the amount of opportunities that we create is independent of what others can create. God has blessed us with everything we need. Will you waste God’s resources? Answer the question within yourself but make a commitment today to develop the strength you need to seize your opportunity…

Are you still Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly?

One Response

  1. Are you Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly without seizing them?

    Now you are speaking a lot of English. What of someone who is poor and doesnt even understand English atall!
    Any hope, any help!???


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