How do you use your time?

Posted On April 4, 2009 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin
eolutosin - time

Is time ever enough? Do we need more than 24 hours in a day to get things done? Have you found yourself in situations in which you wished you had more time? You are not in this alone. Many people have gone through this same phase. Some are still experiencing the same now. You wake in the morning, look at the tasks that you are meant to complete that day and you just tell yourself to forget it. You can’t see the way you can accomplish those tasks that same day.

This cycle continues everyday. The result? You keep pushing till tomorrow what you should do today. You told yourself at the beginning of the year that you are going to start that business part-time, go to school, take that course or even volunteer with that project. The reality now is that you are far from achieving any of your set objectives. You still live in the dreamland and you wonder how some people seem to be achieving results while you don’t.

The differentiating factor is how both of you use your time. Take out a sheet of paper now and try to document everything you have done from the time you wake up. Write down everything that you feel has taken part of your time. Are you proud of what you have written down? Do you think you can achieve your goals by keep doing what you have written down? When it comes to being as efficient and effective as possible, the obvious starting place is to make the very best use of your time. If you use your time carefully, you will have more of it for things that make the difference.

The fact that you finding it hard to combine your work with executing that [tag]business[/tag] [tag]idea[/tag] or that project means that you need to watch closely how you use your time. Look at the lists you have written down on the list. What can you stop doing, or do less of? Can you make more use of your time? For example, listening to audio messages or important podcasts on the way to work? Learn to prioritize, schedule and control your workload.

When you do these things well, you will be more efficient and better organized. Not only will you get more from your time, you will also get to implement some, if not all, of your business ideas.

3 Responses

  1. Great lines…having being a victim of procrastination, I discover that the hardest step is the first one, it gets easier as you move, so the key is to get started

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