The Desires to Change Our World…

Posted On November 10, 2005 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

I was reading about ROSA PARKS’ Eternal Act of Defiance That Changed a Nation and I discover again that many of us find ourselves in such situations as she found herself. Many a times, we see DREAMS of the desired change and we seem helpless as we often believe that we dont have the power to create the kind of world we want. At times like this, many of us just burn with passions. We sincerely observe what is wrong and only hope that things will change one day – probably look forward to the time a MESSIAH will appear from no where. Rosa did not only just identified what was wrong but also made up her mind to be driver of the change.

She had sat with three other blacks in the fifth row, being the first row that blacks could sit on. The front four rows were filled with whites, and one white man was left standing. At that time, blacks and whites were not allowed to seat on the same row of seats, and when all the seats in the front part of the bus were filled, blacks were then ordered to vacate the seats they were sitting. With the white man standing, the bus driver ordered the four blacks to vacate all four seats and move to the back so that the one white man could sit. The other three blacks obeyed and vacated their seats, but Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat. She was arrested and detained by white policemen.

The most interesting thing is that Rosa Parks didn’t realise that her decision of defiance against the orders of the white bus driver would be the tool that would change the cause of history of black world. What if she had obeyed like the other three blacks and moved to the next row, but thank God she did not. Moreover, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. became who he was because one woman, Mrs. Rosa Parks, insisted on an act of defiance that changed America. So, what change do u see? What prices are u willing to pay to realise this change? Now is the time to have a rethink of what you stand for. You have got to make your stand known. Remember, you would fall for anything if you dont stand for anything… So, ACT now!

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