The only way to start is to start

Posted On December 12, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

The only way to start, is to start.” David Schwartz

Are you currently full of idea and don’t know how to go about it? Just start anyhow. Most people have so many plans but still find it hard to work on the plans. Yesterday, I talked about the need to prepare for the future. If you are currently not doing so, you may need to read up that write-up again. Without preparation, there is really nothing what you can do.

The best laid plans, the most comprehensive preparation, can still lead to nothing unless we endeavour to take the necessary action. No matter how strong and promising our plans and preparation are, once we fail to act, we would still be heading no where. The action step does not have to be perfect.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale observed,

If you put off everything until you’re sure of it, you’ll get nothing done.”

The Bible even confirmed this in Ecclesiastes 11:4 “He that observeth the wind shall not show; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap”. The Lord said to Abraham in Genesis 12:1 to get out of his country, from his family and from his father’s house, to a land that HE will show HIM. And in Genesis 13, Abraham launched out immediately. He did not wait to consider all the options he had. He just acted on that God’s given instruction. Wait…if you were in Abraham’s shoe, what would you have done?

Has God opened your eyes to some things that you need to do? 2007 is a time to WALK THE TALK. If you are really serious about your life, you have to take charge of your destiny. It is all about you. Nothing would be achieved until you set out to act on your plans. The need to act on your plans does not only become necessary now but important. Nike, one of the top kit manufacturing company in the world, has the right idea in her simple slogan, “Do it!” What are you then waiting for? Start to DO IT now!

2 Responses

  1. This write up is just what i needed to read because i have put myself too much on hold waiting for the ‘perfect wind’ to blow. I see that the step need not be perfect since there is no perfect step,anyways. Now that i have taken the much delayed step, what am feeling is the joy of launching out which is sure sweeter than playing it safe.

    Thank you so much for writing and making this article available. Do have a fulfilling day.

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