
The web is an exciting place to be for webmasters now

Posted On November 23, 2005 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

I cannot believe the number of changes that are going on currently in the competition for internet publishers and for companies advertising on the internet.

I spent a bit of time last week updating my site with Google sitemaps. Google is now allowing you to submit your site and you can get statistics on your sites – all for free! Anything which can show Google how good your site is must be a good thing. In some ways it is also giving Google a tremendous amount of data on sites on the Internet. I can’t help feeling sites that don’t follow Google’s latest initiatives will fall behind.

I believe that this will create various opportunities for SEO marketers and internet marketing businesses to keep up with all of the latest technology. I am sure we will see SEO becoming a full-time profession like accounting; companies will either hire internal staff or outsource this work.

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