Vision, Focus & Values

Posted On June 22, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

If I may ask, what makes you tick? Why do you get up each morning? On what do you burn the calories you swallow everyday? On waking up, do you have a clear objective for the day? Doesn’t it make you feel great? Do you know exactly what you want to achieve? What do you want to do with your precious life? You might be wondering why you need to know what you want in life. Well, nothing comes by chance in life. You need to have a clear picture of where you are going. If you don’t have a clear picture of what you have in life, you will only settle for just anything that comes your way.

The story of Neil Armstrong has been told times without number. He stood and looked at the moon and he said to his mother, “One day I’m going to go there“. Everybody laughed. He was less than 10 years old and there he was telling people that one day he’d go to the moon.

I could imagine what kind of rejections he would have received from people. Many would have told him to forget about it, as space travel didn’t exist at that time never mind travelling to the moon. Truth is that you would encounter many great circumstances, people, etc that would come in as oppositions to your dreams. You just have to hold on.

Of course, he held on to his vision. He studied, worked smart and he became a test pilot. He was getting closer and closer always pushing the limits. Then, he got the chance to join the US Space Program. He worked tirelessly each day always ensuring that he was at the forefront continuing with his vision. We all know what happened next. He got the chance to go to the moon, and not only that, he got the chance to be the first person to walk on the moon.

There is nothing you can achieve in life without starting with a dream. DREAM is then an important foundation upon which all achievements are built. Through dreams, you determine indirectly what your future becomes. PICTURES mean Pick – Your – Future. But there is no way you will be able to pick something that is not there. So, what pictures are in your mind?

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