What is your Passion?

Posted On August 16, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

I had engineering background – Electronic & Electrical Engineering from one of Nigerian’s best university to be precise but I work as a Product Specialist / Business Analyst now. This is not what I found myself doing but what I actually want to do. It is all about [tag]passion[/tag]. Everybody, even myself, thought I would pursue a [tag]career[/tag] in my field of study but I found myself operating now in a different field – [tag]Business Development[/tag] and Product management. As student, I thought I had a clear picture of what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be a Computer Scientist…

This might have described your experience also. You might have studied Petroleum Engineering or even Fine Art and found yourself working in bank. You definitely study a course in the university and end up practising in another field now. Does what you are doing now in line with your P-A-S-S-I-O-N?. What do you do naturally without someone forcing you to do it?

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you into something else is the greatest accomplishment“, Ralph Waldo Emerson

What makes you tick? What make your creative juices flow and your adrenaline surging? Before you take that job of yours, what is it you really wanted to do? What is it that you would do now if money is not an issue? If you are told now that your bills would be taken care of, what is it that you would rather be doing now?

Take your mind back in time before your parents and committee of concerned family members and relatives tore your dreams to shreds. I can still remember vividly how my mother was persuading me to study Pharmacy after I turned down her plea to study Medicine. I eventually opted for an engineering course.

Sure, writing, painting, sculpture, singing, football etc are seen as time-waster. People see them as hobby rather that something that can put food on the table (have you noticed football and singing has left the banned list?).

Life had a logical sequence: grow up, go to a good school, get a good well paying job, meet a good homely girl/boy, fall in love, get married, buy/build a big home, raise kids and put them through the same drill.

Friends, there is more to life than what you currently experience now. You have got to discover what you love. Your success actually lies in LIVING YOUR PASSION. It is not too late for you to make a turn. Turn your life around 180 degrees now. .

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One Response

  1. Emma,

    That’s a nice write-up. Keep up the good work.

    It really arose my interest the more in what am passionate about.

    The real essence of life is living to satisfy oneself, and not to please others (family, friends, society) at the detriment of one self. We all have equal access to thesame amount of time in this world, so if you please others and they also please themselves; they gain twice and you loose totally.

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