
Yes, you can rule your world!

Posted On January 16, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

The caller was full of excitement and I was eager to hear what he had to say. On 01 January 2007, I forwarded the text message below to all the contacts on my phone…

Don’t sit back & take what comes. Go after what you want… Get aggressive & go after opportunities. [tag]Albert Hubert[/tag] said, ‘Parties who want milk should not seat themselves on a stool in the middle of the field and hope that the cow will back up to them‘. Rule Your world in 2007.

And the caller did exactly like I suggested. He went after what he wanted. He currently works in a company where he feels he is under-paid. He complained throughout last year without making any effort to change his situation. He thought it was the responsibility of his employer to make him happy. But this year, he decided to go aggressive. He went after the opportunity that came his way. Today, he has a new job. He will be picking up his offer letter later in the week.

You too can live your life the way you want it. Believe it or not, it is now very easy to rule your world. Waiting for something just around the corner is merely reacting to life. If you are going to be a difference-maker, a maximizer, you need to be assertive and proactive in your thoughts and actions. You need to make things happen – and not just wait for
them to engulf you! You need to take responsibility for your life and future.

Your decision to take charge of your life is the seed of your cusses. Don’t just sit there! Do something! You get into trouble routinely by focusing on items over which you have no control – will this meeting be positive, will your child be safe, will people like you, will you close the sale, or will you be happy? What good is it to focus here? None. In fact, it is harmful, often resulting in worry, fear and manipulation.

You need to focus instead on those items you can control: (the roots) right attitude, right beliefs, and right commitments. By so doing, you will use your emotional energy in a positive way and actually move forward more quickly. Reactive people focus on the result. Proactive people focus on the principles.

Download this free book – “Secrets of the [tag]science of getting rich[/tag]!” It is my gift to you.

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