
You have what it takes

Posted On November 3, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

These past few days have been sort of reflections for me.  Something in me just keeps telling me that I am more than this. I feel the urgency to speed up the pace at which I match my actions with my talks. I was reading the responses to my post Looking for Job, Look inward, and one comment strikes me.

I have decided to use this medium to answer one of the questions raised – how can one look inward without having the means to do so? God does not make mistake. As such, HE has created everyone with something unique. There was something going on in his mind when he created you. Your responsibility is to look inward and discover this God-given ability.

This will not come to you on a platter of gold as you have have to make a conscious effort to achieve this. U still remember one of Newton’s laws of motion? Nothing moves until you move. This same law still exists today and governs most, if not all, of all that happens to us in life. You know what? Everyone can not work in paid employment. Someone of us have to start a business even if it means you are using your house as the office. The earlier we accept this reality the better for us.

Heard of Fela Durotoye? He pulled out of what a lot of people seemly call a comfort zone to start his business – VIP Consulting. Today, the company stands as one of the best in the industry. What is his success secret? I may be wrong but I believe his determination to pursue his dream is one of the critical success factor.  Friends, you have what it takes to do whatsoever you want to do. It might stretch you and require that you apply your heart to discipline but it is worth all the effort.

I would like to leave you with this, create a picture of a desired future and carve for yourself the plans that will take you there. Someone said, when the heart of a man decides on a destination, his mind will design the map to take him there. Meanwhile, find below some of my previous posts that I think will be helpful to you.

 Decide today to live your life the way you want. 

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2 Responses

  1. l need 2 know more about how to maintain focus as a young man particularly wen u see ur peers getting ahead.

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