
You want to fire your Boss?

Posted On January 12, 2007 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

To survive in today’s [tag]business[/tag] environment, you need to follow a new set of rules or probably define your own rules. The old way of thinking will just not make the cut amidst layoffs, bankruptcies, and the lack of job security. Believe it or not, you can take charge of your career.

You don’t have to keep worrying that your [tag]job security[/tag] depends on the whims or moods of your current boss. The job of your dreams is within your reach. You can even transform your current job into that [tag]dream job[/tag]. The first thing you must do to get the job of your [tag]dreams[/tag] is to [tag]fire your boss[/tag] and hire yourself.

To do this, you must not allow your boss control what happens in your career. You must take charge of your work life. Firing your boss is a mental exercise. You should not walk into your boss’ office tomorrow and demand a resignation. Even if you have fired your boss and hired yourself as a manager, you must appear as loyal and as dedicated as ever.

This time, you will have to determine your own value. You will be setting your own goals. You have to be in charge of selecting the skills you wish to attain. You will also have your own personal work plan. Stephen Pollan and Mark Leville shares some insights on how to undergo a process of self-examination in their book – Fire Your Boss.

  1. Write your own job description. Write a brief description of your job. However, do not align yourself with a certain company, profession or specialization. Reflect on what you do each day and each week.
  2. Give yourself a performance review. Find out what other people with the same job description earn. Also find out the skills that are valued in this certain field.
  3. Define alternate courses. After you have done the two steps above, you will realize that there are alternate courses available to you. Brainstorm about all the other fields and occupations that would suit the job description that you created.
  4. Put your plan into writing. Develop your own plan for your work life. Remember that your future plans should not hinder the alternate courses you have defined. Note down the new skills you need to acquire.

You can turn your work life around now. By firing your boss and hiring yourself as manager, you cease to depend on other people for job satisfaction. You can increase your income, spend less time at work, and have more time for your family. By finding the job of your dreams, you can have the life of your dreams.

Download this free book – “Secrets of the [tag]science of getting rich[/tag]!” It is my gift to you.

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8 Responses

  1. Pingback: bloggingzoom.com
  2. Good post. Another great resource for firing your boss or at least improving your work situation is Timothy Ferriss’ book ‘The four hour work week’. Truly life changing.

  3. Nice piece here Emma and spot-on to the point. Whatever happens in our life, be it business, career or personal life is a function of the value we place on it. We have a duty to define the minimum standard in all aspects of our life and to diligently work towards achieving this.

  4. Hi Lanre,
    Thanks for the visit and the comment. The problem most of us have is that we always look for people to blame when things don’t work the way we plan it. It is high time we all accepted responsibility for our lives and chart the course we want.

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