Step Out and Pay the Price

Posted On November 22, 2006 | Written by Emmanuel Oluwatosin

I woke up this morning with renewed vigour to pursue my dreams. The past few days (last one week) have been hectic – too many deliverables i.e many deadlines to meet at work and some personal projects to accomplish. It has really been an interesting week for me. It really shows how easily man can respond to pressure from all side while getting the job done at the same time.

This experience has shown me that the road ahead is definitely beautiful and something to look forward to. I only need to keep working on myself to be ready for the opportunities as the future presents them per time.

Life is beautiful and gives everyone what he demands. You might be wondering why things seem not to be working the way you want since you have been made to believe that EVERYBODY DESERVES EVERYTHING GOOD IN LIFE – things would just fall into place i.e. go to school, get a good degree & grade and you would get a good job or start that business and you would soon be a success.

Most people have soon found out that there is more to it than mere getting a good grade or having a beautiful business idea. The alarming number of graduates who finished with at least second class upper who are still searching for jobs and the death rate of start-ups within their first 5 years of existence have confirmed this.

The presently system does have its challenges & limitations but the major problem I see is the limitation everyone has placed on himself. Life is operated based on the principle of SEED and SOWING. For everything you want in life, there has to be a corresponding action from your part. Anything that comes cheap in life is fake. You would soon discover the price you have to pay.

You can create what you want in life but you have to be willing to pay the price. If it means you have to read a book or attend a seminar, please do it even if you will have to cut short the money you spend on snacks so as to be able to afford the seminar fee. You would definitely be happy you did at the end of the day. No matter what your situation is right now, I would advise that you probably follow the advice of Robert Heilbroner, “Develop your VISION, stand on the edge of time and gaze into the future“. So, rise us to the challenge, Step Out and Pay the Price. The world is waiting for your manifestation.

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