
My Notes

An inside scoop into my thoughts, learning and free resources. 

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

I have not made any post for some time on this blog. It is not because I don’t have anything

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Thomas Edison tried thousands of different materials in search of a filament for the light bulb. When none worked satisfactorily,

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

“All objects remain in a state of rest until a force is applied” Newton’s law of motion This is true

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

“The difference between the rich and the poor is what they do in their spare time .” Time waits for

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Are you still thinking you don’t have what you need to achieve your [tag]dream[/tag]? And thinking it is not worth

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Are you at the verge of giving up? Do you think you have done all you know you can do

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Are you currently at a cross-road in your personal life or [tag]business[/tag] and things seem not to happening accordingly to

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Is it really possible for you to get everything you want in life? YES, it is…But there’s just one problem.

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Do you have something you can offer to others? Are you really good at work you are doing? Then, it

stay motivated
Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Are you currently finding it hard to stay motivated? Do you feel everything is all over you and thinking of

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Do you wish you can set your own hours, with enough money and time to do what you want? There

peanut ideas
Emmanuel Oluwatosin

I read a story early today and decided to share it on this blog. You may have heard it or

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Consider this scenario… You and some of your friends are at a bus station and there seems to be no

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

I was looking through some of my past notes this evening and I saw a story that I wrote down

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

“There are two things that business people find very challenging: thinking ahead and doing things in order of importance.” Brad

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Do you currently run your business or you are the verge of starting a new one? I have some tips

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

I have really been busy these past few weeks that I could not write any post. Anyway, I am back

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

The past few days were really demanding that I didn’t get time to write my usual daily post on this

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

What is your company’s and / or your life’s planning horizon? Five years? Two years? Six months? Or zero month?

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

If you are just [tag]starting out in business[/tag], you will understand the enormous impact of a single team member. One

Emmanuel Oluwatosin

Have you always wished you could get more time to get more tasks done? If you have a [tag]goal[/tag] (whether

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